Community Fees and Costs

Question: What is the cost of the transfer or refinance fees?

Answer: The transfer fee is $100 and the refinance fee is $50.

Question: What do the Annual Assessments include?

Answer: The Memorial Forest Civic Club, Inc. (MFCC) is financially supported by annual assessments from residents (owners or tenants). The assessments pay for security patrols, mosquito spraying, upkeep of the Gessner esplanade, utilities, publication of the membership directory, enforcement of Deed Restrictions, and such other expenses necessary to fulfill MFCC purposes. Under current Deed Restrictions the assessment is mandatory in all sections of the subdivision, and a lien may be filed on property for failure to pay the assessment in those sections. There is a 10% per year penalty charged for unpaid assessments.

Question: How much is a resale certificate and is it required when I sale my home?

Answer: The resale certificate is not a requirement of the Association. It may be a requirement of your contract between the buyer and seller. The cost is $50 and the certificate also comes with the Association documents.

Question: What is the reserve fund and what is it intended for?

Answer: MFCC has developed a reserve fund which is intended to be used for legal fees to enforce Deed Restrictions and for capital expenditures approved by the residents of the community.

Memorial Forest Club

Question: Am I automatically a member of the Memorial Forest Club (swim and tennis) because I am a resident of Memorial Forest?

Answer: No, The Memorial Forest Civic Club, Inc. is NOT affiliated with the Memorial Forest Club (swim and tennis). The MFC can be reached at (713) 468-4581 or